Here you can find some general information about position and floating. The main issue of this article is the larger chunks of a page. However, you can represent any web design with the right combination of positioning, floating, margins, padding and borders. Just look at each part of the page as individual chunk.
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There are still a lot of things to learn about mastering tables, even if you know such tags as the table, tr, td and th as well as rowspan and colspan attributes. If you think that table rows make table columns look ugly you can use the colgroup and col tags. So, let’s find out how to make the tables you create better.
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Using various tags in different browsers, you should note that the most important thing is not what each element looks like, but what meaning it applies. In this article you will find the information concerning a number of tags that should be used to define various text elements such as abbreviations, quotations and computer code.
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