Here you can find some general information about position and floating. The main issue of this article is the larger chunks of a page. However, you can represent any web design with the right combination of positioning, floating, margins, padding and borders. Just look at each part of the page as individual chunk.
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There’s nothing special about how most of HTML elements work. Thus, you can make up most pages from a few tags that can be styled as you wish. The browser’s default visual representation of most HTML elements consist of varying font styles, margins, padding and display types.
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There are still a lot of things to learn about mastering tables, even if you know such tags as the table, tr, td and th as well as rowspan and colspan attributes. If you think that table rows make table columns look ugly you can use the colgroup and col tags. So, let’s find out how to make the tables you create better.
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Today with the power of CSS there is no need in using HTML to style. Thus, meaning (HTML) can be separated from presentation (CSS).The advantages are obvious – it can greatly decrease file sizes, it has flexibility of a central style sheet and it also can produce pages of greater accessibility.
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With the opportunity to define your own selectors in the form of Class and ID selectors you can have the same HTML element presented differently depending on its ID or class. Here you can find samples of HTML refers to the CSS by using the attributes id and class with explanation and tips to use.
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