The IE team provides some standartistas that should make our life easier as well s to avoid such problems in next IE releases. A new meta tag with the browser version the site was built for was introduced. It is a perfect solution for the IE team to make sure that if we render our documents in a specific version, these documents won’t break ever again.
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Nothing is perfect in this world and CSS3 with its background color gradient proves this rule one more time. It is not for shortening CSS code, but only for making it more variable. We all suppose that with CSS the necessary colours can simply defined while the browsers do all the drawing. Sounds great, but don’t work in practice… at least as you expected.
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HTML5 offers another update that should help you to nest every element inside a link tag. On other words, block level links should solve the problem of linking bigger areas constructed from divs, headings and/or other block level elements. However, it is just theory. So, let’s check it in practice.
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Sometimes even a simple issue can become a real problem with CSS. The main thing is to make it cross-browser. One of such examples is spreading a list evenly across the total width of the container. Let’s try to solve this step by step. Note that any improvements are welcome.
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HTML is all about structure and meaning. It allows you to publish content on the web, describe and structure that content. While CSS and Javascript are additions for certain clients, HTML adds meaning and context to the elements of a web document. We try to define the content with html tags so that it will be readable for machines as well as for humans.
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All we know that there are three things to consider while creating a web page – content, form and function. CSS is in charge of the form of the web page if it is html-based. This article contains the review of the very basics of CSS, so that you get an idea of its functioning with modern web deign. Hope this time all the explanations will be clear for you.
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It is not so hard to write rules for a specific document, the other thing is to write CSS for entire site. It is advisable to verify that when a context is defined, it is necessary for an element to appear within that context to receive its defined style. In css, pattern matching rules determine which style rules apply to elements in the document tree.
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The accessibility for forms is important issue to consider for making site attractive for the users with disabilities, especially for those who are blind or visually impaired. Thus, it is better to add a number of elements to the form to improve the process of imputing information.
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Sometimes it is rather difficult to make CSS-based sites to look perfect across all browsers. The main problem is in Internet Explorer implementing CSS commands differently to other browsers. Thus, with most difficulties caused by the same Internet Explorer CSS issues, these problems can be fixed.
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